This is a page with some pictures I found amusing. If you don't understand my sense of humor and have by now officially called me into the insane asylum, don't take any of these personally. If you have any suggestions of ideas, send them to me at

Ahhhhhhh Paul turned into a parking meter!!!!
John: "Hey! What was in that drink??"
George: "Well don't look at me, I didn't tell him to drink it."
Ringo: *silence*
John: "Ringo!"
Ringo: "What? Don't worry fellas, I drank it too and nothing is happening to me...uh oh...ummm...ahhhh...what's happening to me head!? I'm turning into a Vulcan!!!!"
That's it fellas, work it! And one and two...feel the burn...and one and two...
Paul: "Uh guys, are you sure this is safe? I mean don't people normally use ropes for jump rope?"
John: "Nonsense! This is just new fangled-way, you aren't used to it yet."
Paul: "Well why me?"
George: "You were closest."
John whispers to Ringo: 'This'll mess up that face of his. No more pretty faced Paul McCartney showing me up!'
Just a little sprinkle of fairy dust and it's off to Neverland...SWOOSH!
John: "Hey, where's George gone?"
Ringo: "I dunno, he was here when we took off."
Paul: "Standing outside with my mouth open wide ehehehehehehhhhhh!" (anyone who went to pre-school with me will know that song...too well! lol)
Paul: "I can touch my toe, I think I can, I think I can!"
Ringo: "Weeeeeee! Look mummy I'm turning into a bunny, whoopie!"
George: "Parachute!!! Ahhh that's what I forgot! Wait, if I think there is a parachute then there will's all in the mind..."
John: "Sumo-slam! Belly Flop!"
This picture speaks for itself, lol!
Ringo: "Look, up in the sky!"
John: "It's a bird, it's a plane!"
Paul: "No it's George!"
John: "Oh that's where he went."
Ringo: "Ahhhh, George watch out for the...*CRASH*
All: "oooooooooooooooo"
Ringo: "White House."