Auto response from LatteGuy: eating something. probably some sort of processed animal carcass. be back in a minute.
LatteGuy: and with chicken! :-D
I Me You 4: uh oh...you armed with a chicken, I am officially afraid *cower*
I Me You 4: ooo hah! *grabs a large trout* ungard!
LatteGuy: b'gok
LatteGuy: but -*-, my chiken's been cooked
LatteGuy: and with orange sauce, no less
LatteGuy: and boy, oh boy, is it tasty
I Me You 4: yeah well my trout is fresh out of the sea...don't ask how...and is really mad...
LatteGuy: i'll bet
LatteGuy: uh oh
I Me You 4: right
LatteGuy: ASPCA
I Me You 4: cheese it!
LatteGuy: mmm cheese
I Me You 4: hehe blessed are the cheese makers
LatteGuy: you don't sell cheese here, do you?
I Me You 4: nope, I'm sorry we don't
LatteGuy: this is a complete waste of my time, isn't it
I Me You 4: yes sir it is
LatteGuy: i'm sorry, but i'm going to have to shoot you now.
LatteGuy: *bang*
I Me You 4: hahahaha...hey wait a minute, why did I end up being the person who gets shot? *raises eyebrow*
LatteGuy: cuz you were doing the lines of the cheese guy, and he's the one that gets shot?
LatteGuy: btw, where's the plop
I Me You 4: well true...*mental note* pick lines of someone who lives
I Me You 4: oh my bad!
I Me You 4: *PLOP*!
LatteGuy: thank you
LatteGuy: hehehe
I Me You 4: *ker*
I Me You 4: *plop*
I Me You 4: anytime, lol
LatteGuy: paste this onto your site
LatteGuy: i like
LatteGuy: it
I Me You 4: paste what?
LatteGuy: this conversation
LatteGuy: starting with I HAVE RETURNED
I Me You 4: okey dokey, haha. That's a good idea, I can have a little spot for aim convos
LatteGuy: if you can spare the bandwidth, make a "Bizzare AIM Convo" page
I Me You 4: alrighty! I have a goal, hurray!
I Me You 4: oh and you forgot to bang a gong when you returned hehe
LatteGuy: shoot
LatteGuy: er
LatteGuy: dang
LatteGuy: can't say shoot
LatteGuy: no more space for dead bodies in this window
I Me You 4: wuahaha *rubs hands together* *gets out gun*...oh no shoot? rats...
I Me You 4: erm...should i leave that part out of the quote?
LatteGuy: yes, we have no banaņas
I Me You 4: ooo you made a little squiggly thing..how'd ya do that?
LatteGuy: stop at anytime, lol
I Me You 4: haha ok
LatteGuy: http://www.outwar.com/page.php?x=64073
LatteGuy: g2g
LatteGuy signed off at 8:30:20 PM.