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England or Bust!

It's Liddypool!


Hahaha all the dead bugs on the front of our train hehehe. Oh but I don't mean to offend any people who like bugs or anything I just found this sort of interesting and only slighty amusing :).


The map of Liverpool in the Lime Street Train Station


The Beatles Story hurray!


Heh heh heh, this is inside the Beatles Story *cough* where we weren't supposed to take pictures *cough* *grin*. Well since we did *ahem* this is the Cavern Club inside of the Beatles Story...you could even smell it *shudder*.


Some little cart thing outside of the Beatles Story...Bu bu bu blue meanies!!!!


Me in front of a Yellow Submarine playground...I couldn't go inside it for real but this is close enough I guess.


Banana Lamb!!!!

Assorted Pics

Don't worry there's tons more...I haven't bored you yet have I?